How Do You Know if a Pokemon Is a Shinny
Shiny Pokémon were beginning introduced in March 2017 with the surprise reveal of Shiny Magikarp and its evolution, the ruddy Shiny Gyarados.
More than recent months have seen the reveal of new shinies, including Shiny Pikachu, with more than unique variants over fourth dimension.
Shinies are notoriously rare, every bit whatever veteran of the chief serial will gladly tell you, so what exercise nosotros know nigh Pokémon Go Shinies, and how do you catch them?
On this folio:
- How to find Shiny Pokémon such as Shiny Magikarp and Red Gyarados Pokémon Go
- Pokémon Go Shiny list and rarity tier list
- When and how every Shiny was added to Pokémon Go
- Other things to know nigh Pokémon Get Shinies - independent Shinies, Shiny Ditto and more than
How to find Shiny Pokémon such every bit Shiny Magikarp and Red Gyarados Pokémon Go
Shinies are found by simply trying to take hold of Pokémon and seeing if they display as an alternate colour in the boxing and postal service-battle screens.

They won't appear equally a different color in the field, so you lot take to effort to grab them first.
They of course can also appear in anywhere y'all'd find a Pokémon, non just the wild - so that includes hatching Eggs, Enquiry task rewards and Raid bonus challenges.
A Shiny creature is extremely rare, so it's just a example of checking every one you are looking for - such equally Magikarp - in the hope it will exist a dissimilar colour.
Often, the variation is somewhat subtle. You tin run into the difference in Magikarp in the above comparing epitome, courtesy of Silph Route subreddit user skinnysnorlaz.
Pokémon Get Shiny listing and rarity tier list
Effectually 5 months after Shiny Magikarp was get-go sighted, nosotros started to meet the kickoff sign of other shinies.
Though the list has expanded greatly since the arrival of Magikarp and Red Gyarados, the number is pocket-size compared to the number of non-shiny creatures in the game.
At a glance, hither is every possible shiny creature y'all can get in the game right now (bated from additions since early February - y'all can come across a more upwards-to-date listing in chronological order later in the article) and their rarity co-ordinate to a user survey (thanks to AirbenderProdigy on reddit for the inquiry and image):

When and how every Shiny was added to Pokémon Get
Magikarp and Gyarados: The offset Shiny Pokémon in Pokémon Get were Magikarp and Gyarados in March 2017 which were a callback to what was, for most players, the get-go Shiny they e'er caught: the Cherry-red Gyarados at Pokémon Golden, Silver, and Crystal's Lake of Rage.
Shiny Pikachu: August 2017's Pokémon Get Park consequence in Nippon revealed the second set of Shinies.

Those within the issue radius had a chance of communicable a Shiny Pikachu, which much like the Red Gyarados, could likewise be evolved into a shiny Raichu.
These accept since been made available effectually the world, and was expanded on with a shiny hatted Pikachu equally part of the 2018 Pokémon 24-hour interval.
Shiny Gen 3 Ghosts: As the Halloween event in 2018 - which introduced the first Gen 3 creatures - rolled on, shiny variations of all five new creatures (Duskull, Dusclops, Shuppet, Sableye and Banette) started to appear.
Here is a video of shiny Duskull in activeness:
Shiny Gen 3 Raids: With the arrival of l Gen 3 creatures in December 2017 came two Raid-specific catches, both of which offering Shiny versions. The remaining 48 too have Shiny models in the game code, though none have been found and then far.
Shiny Gen three Desert update: The Aron family of creatures all have shiny variants as part of their release in the Janary 2018 Gen 3 Desert update.
Shiny Gen 3 Dragon update: Swablu is one of the few creatures available as a shiny Pokémon, changing its blueish torso colour into yellow.
Evolving into Altaria volition keep that same yellowish colour scheme, as shown in this video by Cychreus Gaming:
Valentine'southward Day 2018: Alongside increased Luvdisc spawns came a shiny version:
It's Valentines 24-hour interval in Pokémon Go and I got a peepee-coloured middle
— Tom Phillips (@tomphillipsEG) February fourteen, 2018
Otherwise, there are no other signs more than Shinies will be added. The main games had shinies for every single fauna, so at that place's a chance every one in Pokémon Get volition offer them at some point, but it makes sense Niantic would desire to baste feed them for special occasions and brand them more than of an event.
Lunar New Year upshot 2018: The increase in dog and dog-like spawns saw the introduction of a shiny Poochyena:
Community Day: The beast a Customs Day focuses on volition release a shiny version at the same time. So far nosotros've had:
- Dratini (and evolutions Dragonair and Dragonite)
- Bulbasaur (and evolutions Ivysaur and Venusaur)
- Mareep (and evolutions Flaaffy and Ampharos)
- Charmander (and evolutions Charmeleon and Charizard)
- Larvitar (and evolutions Pupitar and Tyranitar)
- Squirtle (and evolutions Wartortle and Blastoise)
- Eevee (and evolutions Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon)
- Chikorita (and evolutions Bayleef and Meganium)
- Beldum (and evolutions Metang and Metagross)
- Cyndaquil (and evolutions Quilava and Typhlosion)
- Totodile (and evolutions Croconaw, Feraligatr)
- Piplup (and evolutions Prinplup and Empoleon)
My #PokemonGOCommunityDay haul:
— Matthew Reynolds (@Crazyreyn) February 24, 2018
- 147 Dratini caught
- 1x 100% 4 and 1x 98% Four catches
- iv shinies
- 96k XP
- 78k Stardust ? motion
2018 Shinies came thick and fast, including:
- Magby (and Magmar) Togepi (and evolution Togetic), and Wynaut (and evolution Wobbuffet) for Easter consequence Eggstravaganza
- Murkrow (for Apr Fools' Day)
- Lugia (brought back for a limited time), and now Ho-oh in the same manner.
- Wailmer (and development Wailord) for the Globe Day event
- Makuhita (and evolution Hariyama) and Meditite (and evolution Medicham) for May'due south Fighting event
- Aerodactyl, Kabuto (and evolution Kabutops), Omanyte (and development Omastar) for May / June'due south Hazard Week
- Shellder (and evolution Cloyster) and Kyogre for June's H2o Festival event.
- Roselia and Articuno from the Dortmund Summer Tour 2018 leg
- Plusle, Minun and Zapdos from the Chicago Summer Tour 2018 leg
- Houndour, Houndoom, Snubbull and Granbull were introduced aslope Baronial'due south Field Research update
- Pineco (and Forretress), Nato (and Xatu) and Sunkern (Sunflora) were added following the introduction of Celebi and a Johto upshot.
- Wingull and evolution Pelipper from the Nihon Summertime Tour 2018 leg
- Growlithe and evolution Arcanine aslope September'southward Field Research update
- Grimer and evolution Muk, plus Geodude, Graveler and Golem were bachelor as office of the Kanto celebration in mid-September.
- Krabby and development Kingler alongside October'south Field Research update
- Drowzee and evolution Hypno alongside October's Psychic result
- Nidoran♀, Nidorina, or Nidoqueen for October'due south female event
- Shinx, Luxio and Luxray with the addition of Gen iv'due south kickoff wave.
- Drifloon and Drifblim, with their addition in Oct 2018'south Pokémon Go Halloween outcome.
- Pinsir, with the Bug-focused Nov Field Research
- Caterpie, Metapod and Butterfree too with the Bug-focused November Field Research
- Ponyta, Rapidash, Cubone and Marowak as function of the launch of Ingress Prime
- Budow with the addition of several Gen iv creatures in early on November
- Elekid, Electabuzz and Electivire with the introduction of Sinnoh Rock evolutions
- Magnemite and Magneton with the arrival of Meltan and the Permit's Get Kanto event in November 2018
- Misdreavus and Mismagius with the arrival of Dec Field Inquiry
- Sandshrew and Sandslash as part of an event in Tottori, Japan during December (via painofwrath on reddit)
- Holiday result 2018 additions Delibird, Azurill (and evolutions Marill, Azumarill) as well as Santa Hat Pikachu line (Pichu and Raichu)
Meanwhile in 2019, we've seen:
- Taillow (and evolutions), Zigzagoon (and evolution) and Groudon as part of the Hoenn commemoration
- Feebas (and development) following Feedbas Day
- Psyduck (and development Golduck) introduced equally part of Brazil'due south Safari Zone upshot
- Spoink (and evolution Grumpig) from the 2019 Lunar New Twelvemonth event
- Meltan (for a limited time, and evolution Melmetal)
- Smoochum (and evolution Jinx) from the 2019 Valentine'southward Day consequence
- Cleffa (and evolutions) from the 2019 Valentine's Solar day event
- Swinub (and evolutions Piloswine and Mamoswine) from February Community Day)
- Pidgey (and evolutions) as office of Feb's Pokémon Twenty-four hours celebrations
- Ratatta (and evolutions) as part of February'south Pokémon Mean solar day celebrations
- Clamperl (and evolutions) as function of February's Limited Research Day
- Latias (from February'south special raid event)
- Machop (and evolutions) as role of March'south Battle Showdown fighting Pokémon event)
- Mankey (and evolutions) as part of March'southward Battle Showdown fighting Pokémon event)
- Solrock and Lunatone, as function of March'south Equinox effect
- Lotad (and development) as part of March's Limited Enquiry Day
- Castform (Normal class) as part of March's Limited Inquiry Day
- Treeko (and evolutions) as part of March'south Community Day
- Ash Chapeau Pikachu (and evolution) as function of 2019's Photobomb April Fool's
- Scyther (and evolution) as part of April's Issues Out event
- Bagon (and evolutions) equally office of April'south Customs Day
- Latios (from April's special raid event)
- Buneary (and evolution) as part of Apr's Eggstravaganza upshot
- Shuckle as part of April'southward Singapore Safari Zone
- Lapras every bit part of April's Singapore Safari Zone
- Diglett and development Dugtrio as office of April's World Day rewards.
- Seel and development Dugong at the start of May.
- Torchic (Combusken and Blaziken) as part of the May Community 24-hour interval
- Aipom and evolution Ambipom with May's Detective Pikachu Field Research and event.
- Bronzor (and evolution) for May'due south Extraordinary Raid Week
- Cresselia, with its reintroduction to Raids in May 2019
- Onix (and development) added as part of Take chances Week in June 2019
- Anorith (and evolution) added as role of Adventure Calendar week in June 2019
- Lileep (and evolution) added as part of Adventure Week in June 2019
- Lileep (and development) added as part of Adventure Week in June 2019
- Slakoth (and evolutions) added every bit part of June'southward Community Mean solar day
- Horsea (and evolutions) as part of Become Fest Chicago 2019
- Alolan Pokémon Rattata, Sandshrew, Vulpix, Diglett, Meowth, Geodude, Grimer, and Exeggutor (and evolutions) as part of June 2019's third birthday celebrations
- Spinda from the offset of June.
- Nidoran Female person every bit part of Go Fest Dortmund 2019.
- Mudkip (and evolutions) as part of July's Community Day
- Ekans (and evolution) added as office of the Team Rocket Invasion
- Koffing (and evolution) added as part of the Squad Rocket Invasion
- Zubat (and evolutions) added as part of the Team Rocket Invasion
- Sneasel (and evolution) added equally part of the Squad Rocket Invasion
- Rayquaza, with its reintroduction to Raids in belatedly July 2019
- Ralts (and evolutions) equally part of August 2019's Customs Day
- Bonsly (and evolutions) every bit function of the Gift upshot in August 2019
- Poliwag (and evolutions) as function of Become Fest Yokosuka 2019
- Carvanha (and evolution) and Barboach (and evolution) as part of the Water Festival in late August 2019
- Sentret (and evolution) and Gligar (and development) starting from the first calendar week of Ultra Bonus rewards in September 2019
- Regional exclusives Farfetch'd, Kangaskhan, Mr. Mime, and Tauros starting from the second week of Ultra Bonus unlock in September 2019
- Mewtwo as function of the third week of Ultra Bonus unlocks in September 2019
- Elektrike and Manectric were released in September 2019
- Gen v's Klink, Patrat and Lillipup as role of the tertiary calendar week of Ultra Bonus unlocks in September 2019
- Zangoose and Seviper equally part of Earth Tourism Day and the arrival of regional Eggs
- Oddish (and evolutions) equally function of Taipei Safari Zone in October 2019
- Yamask (and Cofagrigus) as part of the 2019 Halloween effect
- Regirock, Regice and Registeel as part of the A Jumbo Discovery upshot
- Skarmory as part of the A Colossal Discovery event
- Moltres in November 2019
- Meowth and Farsi every bit part of the Team Get Rocket Leaders release
- Tentacool and Tentacruel as part of the Supereffective Week in November 2019
- Burmy (and evolutions) as part of the Evolution Event in December 2019
- Gible (and evolutions) every bit part of the December 2019 Egg update
- Snover (and development) as part of the 2019 Christmas event
- Stantler every bit part of the 2019 Christmas event
2020 saw the introduction of these shiny Pokémon:
- Heatran on January seventh
- Piplup as role of Jan'southward Community 24-hour interval
- Minccino (and Cinccino) every bit part of the Minccino Limited Research, which was, in plough, role of the 2020 Lunar New Year outcome
- Riolu (and Lucario) as part of the Sinnoh region celebration event in Feb 2020
- Hippopotas (and Hippowdon) as office of the Sinnoh region celebration event in February 2020
- Happiny, Chansey and Blissey as function of the 2020 Valentine'due south Twenty-four hour period Celebration outcome
- Lickitung (and Lickilicky) equally office of the 2020 Valentine's Day Celebration event
- Darkrai as function of the Darkrai Special Raid Weekend from March 6th to March 9th
- Contradistinct Forme Giratina as part of the Altered Forme Giratina Special Raid Weekend from March 13th to March 16th
- Nincada equally function of an in-game event in March
- Skorupi (and Drapion) as part of the March Squad Go Rocket takeover
- Timburr (Gurdurr and Conkeldurr) as part of the Become Battle League Season i release
- Cobalion as part of the Cobalion Special Raid Weekend from March 20th to March 23rd
- Baltoy (and Claydol) as function of the Psychic Spectacular event in March
- Teddiursa (and Ursaring) as function of the Safari Zone St. Louis result in March
- Croagunk (and Toxicroak) equally part of Apr's Tricky Pokémon upshot
- Exeggcute (and Exeggutor) as part of April'southward Spring issue
- Marill (and Azurill and Azumarill) as office of April's Marill Day issue
- Volbeat and Illumise as part of April's Buddy Up Event
- Virizion as part of the Remote Raid Pass celebration in April
- Venonat equally part of the Kanto Throwback Challenge special research quest line released in May
- Dunsparce as role of the Johto Throwback Challenge special research quest line released in May
- Skitty as part of the Hoenn Throwback Challenge special research quest line released in May
- Glameow as office of the Sinnoh Throwback Challenge special inquiry quest line released in May
- Weedle (Kakuna and Beedrill) as part of the Weedle Community Twenty-four hours in June
- Clefairy (and Clefable) as part of the Spotlight 60 minutes on Tuesday, June 23rd
- Dwebble (and Crustle) as part of the Issues Out event in June 2020
- Pidove (Tranquill and Unfezant) as part of the Go Weekly Challenge: Skill release in July 2020
- Bellsprout (Weepinbell and Victreebel) as part of the Get Weekly Claiming: Friendship release in July 2020
- Durant as part of Pokémon Go Fest 2020
- Heatmor as role of Pokémon Go Fest 2020
- Jigglypuff (and pre-development Igglybuff, and evolution Wigglytuff) every bit function of Pokémon Go Fest 2020
- Quilfish every bit office of Pokémon Go Fest 2020
- Tangela (and evolution Tangrowth) as part of Pokémon Go Fest 2020
- Woobat (and development Swoobat) as part of Pokémon Go Fest 2020
- Unown (letters G-O) equally role of Pokémon Go Fest 2020
- Deino (Zweilous and Hydreigon) every bit function of Dragon Week in August 2020
- Unown (letters U-L-T-R-A) as part of Enigma Calendar week in Baronial 2020
- Staryu (and Starmie) every bit function of Enigma Week in Baronial 2020
- Roggenrola (Boldore and Gigalith) every bit office of Unova Week in August 2020
- Genesect as part of Unova Week in August 2020
- Alolan Raichu as a possible reward for the September Research Breakthrough
- Ledyba (and Ledian) during the Mega Houndoom week in September 2020
- Doduo (and Dodrio) during the Mega Evolution Timed Enquiry upshot in September 2020
- Kricketot (and Kricketune) during the Longchamp event in October 2020
- Vulpix (and Ninetails) as part of the Drupe-themed event in Oct 2020
- Spiritomb as part of the Halloween consequence in October 2020
- Magmortar every bit part of the second Nov Customs Day in November 2020
- Slowpoke (Slowbro and Slowking) every bit part of the Pokémon Home event in Nov 2020
- Goldeen (and Seaking) as part of the Lake Legends event in Nov 2020
- Celebi as part of the timed limited special research quest for the Pokémon the Movie: Secrets of the Jungle event
- Rufflet (and Braviary) as role of the timed limited special research quest for the Pokémon the Picture show: Secrets of the Jungle event
- Wooper (and Quagsire) on Friday, 11th December for The Game Awards 2020
- Cubchoo (and Beartic) during the Galarian Mr. Mime issue in December 2020
- Jynx during the Pokémon Go Holidays event in Dec 2020
In 2021, the following shiny Pokémon were released:
- Snivy (Servine and Serperior) as part of the Unova Collection Challenge in January 2021
- Buizel (and Floatzel) as part of the Sinnoh Collection Challenge in January 2021
- Miltank equally role of the Johto Collection Claiming in January 2021
- Alomomola equally part of the 2021 Valentine's Day outcome in February 2021
- Spearow (and Fearow) as role of the Pokémon Go Tour: Kanto on 20th February 2021
- Paras (and Parasect) as part of the Pokémon Get Tour: Kanto on 20th Feb 2021
- Hitmonless as part of the Pokémon Become Bout: Kanto on 20th February 2021
- Hitmonchan as part of the Pokémon Become Tour: Kanto on 20th February 2021
- Snorlax every bit function of the Pokémon Go Tour: Kanto on 20th February 2021
- Ditto every bit office of the Pokémon Go Tour: Kanto Special Research on 20th February 2021 and in the wild on 1st September 2021
- Mew equally part of the Mew Masterwork Research released on 20th February 2021
- Fletchling (Fletchinder and Talonflame) as part of the March 2021 Community Mean solar day
- The Incarnate Formes for Landorus, Tornadus and Thundurus in March 2021
- Nosepass as part of the Searching for Legends event in March 2021
- Rainy Form Castform equally part of the Weather Week result in March 2021
- Bunnelby (and Diggersby) as role of the Spring upshot in April 2021
- Trubbish (and Garbodor) equally part of the Sustainability Week in April 2021
- Smeargle (will simply be available through snapshot encounters and only during specific in-game events) as part of the New Pokémon Snap issue in April 2021
- Galarian Ponyta (and Galarian Rapidash) as role of the Luminous Legends Ten event in May 2021
- Galarian Zigzagoon (Galarian Linoone and Obstagoon) as function of the Luminous Legends Y upshot in May 2021
- Regigigas as part of the 2021 solstice outcome in June 2021
- Yanma (and Yanmega) as part of the 2021 solstice event in June 2021
- Snorunt (Glalie and Froslass) equally part of the 2021 solstice event in June 2021
- Bidoof (and Bibarel) as part of the Bidoof Breakout event in June 2021
- Tepig (Pignite and Emboar) every bit part of the July 2021 Community 24-hour interval
- Darumaka (and Darmanitan) as part of the Fifth Anniversary event in July 2021
- Unown F as part of Go Fest 2021 in July 2021
- Whismur (Loudred and Exploud) as part of Get Fest 2021 in July 2021
- Chimecho as part of Get Fest 2021 in July 2021
- Audino every bit part of Go Fest 2021 in July 2021
- Tympole (Palpitoad and Seismitoad) as function of Go Fest 2021 in July 2021
- Throh as office of Go Fest 2021 in July 2021
- Sawk as function of Go Fest 2021 in July 2021
- Corsola bachelor from 22nd, July 2021
- Dialga as part of the Ultra Unlock Part one: Time in July 2021
- Cranidos (and Rampardos) as function of the Ultra Unlock Office i: Time in July 2021
- Shieldon (and Bastidon) as part of the Ultra Unlock Part i: Time in July 2021
- Palkia as part of the Ultra Unlock Function two: Space in August 2021
- Heracross as part of the Ultra Unlock Part 2: Infinite in August 2021
- Galarian Meowth as part of the Ultra Unlock Role 3: Sword and Shield event in August 2021
- Galarian Farfetch'd as function of the Ultra Unlock Part iii: Sword and Shield upshot in August 2021
- Galarian Weezing as part of the Ultra Unlock Function 3: Sword and Shield outcome in August 2021
- Galarian Stunfisk as function of the Ultra Unlock Role 3: Sword and Shield event in August 2021
- Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf on Tuesday, 14th September 2021
- Oshawott (Dewott and Samurott) as part of the September 2021 Community Day
- Blitzle (and Zebstrika) as function of Fashion Calendar week in September 2021
- Spinarak (and Ariados) as role of the Halloween 2021 event in Oct 2021
- Reshiram as part of the Season of Heritage in Dec 2021
- Zekrom as part of the Season of Heritage in December 2021
- Kyurem equally part of the Season of Heritage in December 2021
- Druddigon as role of the Dragonspiral Descent upshot in December 2021
- Vacation costume Spheal every bit part of the Holiday 2021 event in December 2021
- Galarian Darumaka and Darmanitan as part of the Holiday 2021 consequence in December 2021
- Hoothoot (and Noctowl) as role of the 2021 New year'southward event in December 2021
During 2022, the following shiny Pokémon were released:
- Slugma (and Magcargo) as part of the Mountains of Power event in January 2022
- Hoppip (Skiploom and Jumpluff) as part of February 2022 Community Mean solar day
- Espurr (and Meowstic) on Tuesday 1st February 2022
- Litleo (and Pyroar) as office of the Lunar New Twelvemonth upshot in February 2022
- Deoxys - Normal Forme - on Wednesday 16th Feb 2022
- Deoxys - Set on Forme - on Saturday 19th Feb 2022
- Deoxys - Defence Forme - on Tuesday 22nd Feb 2022
- Deoxys - Speed Forme - on Fri 25th February 2022
- Mantine as function of Get Tour: Johto on Saturday, 26th Feb 2022
- Phanpy (and Donphan) equally part of Go Tour: Johto on Saturday, 26th February 2022
- Girafarig equally role of Get Tour: Johto on Saturday, 26th Feb 2022
- Corsola as part of Go Tour: Johto on Saturday, 26th February 2022
- Remoraid (and Octillery) as function of Go Bout: Johto on Saturday, 26th February 2022
- Tyrogue (and Hitmontop) every bit part of Go Bout: Johto on Sabbatum, 26th February 2022
- Yungoss (and Gumshoos) as part of Welcome to Alola event in March 2022
- Rockruff (and Lycanroc - Midday and Midnight form) as function of Welcome to Alola event in March 2022
The Flavor of Alola is here and information technology begins with the Welcome to Alola event! A host of Gen seven Pokémon, including Tapu Koko and Rockruff, can now exist found. You lot tin also consummate the A Melemele Take chances special inquiry quest. Elsewhere, off the back of the Get Bout Johto event is Masterwork Inquiry Apex to complete.
Other things to know about Pokémon Become Shinies - independent Shinies, Shiny Ditto and more
Aside the from the basics, at that place are a few other of import points to note about Shiny Pokémon and the way they operate:
- Shiny Pokémon are independent - in other words, 2 people can go to the same identify and catch the same Magikarp, which has the same stats and IVs, but they won't necessarily both exist Shiny. This is generally seen as a skillful matter past the community: information technology means people won't all exist rushing to the same place afterwards a Shiny is spotted, and 'spoofers' who cheat the arrangement to alter their location won't exist able to instantly grab a Shiny every bit soon as one is located.
- Shiny Pokémon can also be other 'states' of creatures - meaning they can besides be Lucky, Shadow and Purified.
- Shiny Pokémon'due south evolutions volition be Shiny too - the expert news, at least, is that Shiny Pokémon will evolve into Shiny Pokémon. So that means a gold Magikarp volition plough into a red Gyarados when evolved, then on. Another reason to hold onto those Candies for any Pokémon y'all see!
- Shinies have their own entries in the Pokédex - Once you accept found a Shiny, visit that brute in the Pokédex and you lot can view its unique appearance, alongside any gender differences. The post-obit paradigm by Dronpes explains this in closer item:

- Shiny Pokémon show up as standard colour Pokémon on the map - they merely reveal themselves every bit Shiny one time yous first the battle sequence with them, which means checking every Pokémon you see now if you want to find Shinies, even if y'all've already caught plenty of that Pokémon!
- There's a new warning if you try to transfer a Shiny - if you try and send a Shiny to Professor Willow, you lot'll go an boosted pop-upwards warning checking that y'all definitely want to transfer this Shiny Pokémon. A squeamish bear on to end any fat finger bug!
That'southward all the of import info you need - the rest of it is down to practiced old fashioned luck, so it's time get searching!
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